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Happy Fathers Day

n0mad's picture

Just like to wish all the IPX Dad’s a Happy Fathers Day
and I trust they all got a special gift from there Wives and Daughters/Sons….

The n0mad Family


Fuzz's picture

Happy fathers day to all Ipx

Happy fathers day to all Ipx dads and dads of ipx

i gave my dad

a bunnings voucher.

Fuzz's picture

same for

father in law.

Hashy's picture

Blu Ray & A Plant!

I g0t my Dad a Blu Ray c0py 0f Contact, and a Grevillea, 0ne 0f th0se new fangled varities that 0nly gr0ws upt0 a meter, s0 sh0uld be easy t0 manage =)

Watchin Contact right n0w, l00ks g00d. s0me m0vies age well and c0me 0ut 0n HD really well, 0thers… =/

ltmon's picture

I got my dad

Jameson’s Reserve 12yo.

(Oh, and I picked up one for myself at the same time… had to make sure it was worthy).

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